Career Advisors Inc Logo
Career Advisors Inc


Your Career is Valuable and we are dedicated to helping you to build it with confidence, strategies and solutions. Our curated career support is comprised of resources and tools to focus on your career ambitions, tackle challenges and cultivate your professional growth


Resume Strategist

Job Search Strategist

Career Advice

Educational Planner

College Counseling

College Admission


College Assistance Package:


We offer a variety of services to meet the needs of every college-bound student and their families. From our comprehensive concierge-level plan to one-time strategy and planning sessions, let us guide you to even greater success in the college admissions process.

Are you looking for expert professional assistance with the college search, application, and main essay process, but are also prepared to complete a number of tasks independently or with parental help.
College Admissions, Application, and Essay Support: 15 Hours

Ongoing Reminders, Check-Ins, and Project Management Support: 15 Hours

Total Hours of Services: 20 Hours

Also Includes Access to the DC College Counseling Membership Vault and a student membership to the Wow Writing Workshop system.

Fee: $1,500


The Job Search Toolkit:

Program Includes:

  • 1 x 60 minute face-to-face or Online coaching session
  • Job search strategy and job search action plan
  • New resume and cover letter
  • New LinkedIn Profile
  • 1 x interview preparations for 1st interview (60-minute session)

As a result of completing this program, you will have a professional job hunter toolkit and be prepared to effectively present your skills and experience to employers, helping you get job interviews.

Fee: $1000

Page Administrative Team

Halen James

Career Coach at Career Advisor Inc.

I have over fifteen years of experience as a career coach specializing in academic and ...


"Connecting with Halen has been the best choices for my career. As she helped me in figuring out my career interest and what would work for me, she helped me finding the wright career path. It really helped me choosing my Bachelor's Degree. "
"Halen is a wonderful coach to work with. She was able to quickly assess my career goals, needs and aspirations and work with me to put a plan in place that included identifying the types of companies to target, interview preparation, negotiating strategies and focused my resume to highlight all my career accomplishments, skills and strengths. Within a few months, I was able to find a wonderful opportunity that fully aligns with my career goals, work-life balance I was hoping for and the personal growth and creativity I seek in my professional life."