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Save jobs and revisit them later without having to search for them again.
Compare saved jobs, weigh pros and cons, and make informed decisions before applying to them.
Apply to saved jobs and categorize them as pending, shortlisted, and selected to get a clear picture of your job hunt process.
Save jobs and find them faster - ACHNET

Frequently Asked Questions

How does AI assist in job searching on ACHNET?
ACHNET utilizes AI to help you save time and effort in job hunting. It matches you with job opportunities aligned exactly with your goals and skills, making the job search process more efficient for both you and recruiters.
I like a job posting, but I am not sure if I want to apply for it. How can ACHNET help me?
If you like a job posting but are uncertain about applying, ACHNET offers features to help you make an informed decision. On ACHNET, you can save jobs that you like, compare them to weigh the pros and cons, and revisit them any time before choosing to apply for the one you like.
Can I track the progress of my job applications on ACHNET?
Yes, on ACHNET, you can apply to saved jobs and categorize them as pending, shortlisted, or selected, providing you with a clear overview of your job hunt process and helping you stay organized.
Can I convey my notice period to future employers?
Conveying your notice period to prospective employers is a vital step in the job hunt process. On ACHNET, you can set your work preferences and mention your notice period in weeks to recruiters conveniently during your job hunt.
What other work preferences can I set on ACHNET?
ACHNET makes it easy for hiring companies and recruiters to find you by letting you select your work preferences including remote working availability, willingness to travel, or openness to relocation.